About Vesna Domaz
Mission: To help people discover their body's innate wisdom to heal
Meet the face behind MindBodySoul Energy Healing!
My name is Vesna and I am a wife, a mother and a woman who is passionate about helping individuals awaken their innate ability to heal!
My own healing journey over the past 25 years involved short term “band aid” type fixes that often left me feeling confused, bothered and of the belief that “I will never be able to heal”. So I soldiered on, as most of us do, however this only led to having a compounding effect on my health issues with then new health issues arising! Does that sound familiar?
Whilst physical treatments did help, and continue to help, there was always a missing piece to the healing puzzle. But after coming into my own “awakening” and being open to learning, I have now found that missing piece and it’s called Reiki.
Learning about the connection between the mind, body and soul and how ailments can come from unresolved emotions and traumas, created the space for me to shift my limiting beliefs around healing, and start to understand the innate ability we already have to be able to heal.
Healing is an ongoing process and it is often referred to being like an onion - there are many layers to it. Which brings me here, to my soul's purpose, using Energy Healing as a subtle non invasive modality, yet extremely profound approach that can provide balance and allow the body’s innate wisdom to heal.
I am grateful to be a conduit in helping individuals discover the power of healing through Reiki.
Why Reiki?
Reduces Stress &
Improves Sleep
Through the use of gentle hand positioning and sacred symbols, the energy being received by the individual promotes relaxation and calmness, therefore reducing stress and improving sleep. This is a very common and profound side effect of experiencing Reiki in each session.
Clears Energy Blocks & Releases Emotional Wounds
Through the use of gentle hand positioning over the 7 main chakra centres in the body, the energy being received by the individual clears blockages allowing for a better flow of energy. This creates harmony and balance releasing trapped/stagnant emotions that the individual may or may not have been aware of.
Accelerates Physical & Mental Healing
The body has innate wisdom to heal itself. Reiki accelerates the physical healing by unblocking stagnant energy in the areas of concern. This creates the space for healing energy to flow easily and effortlessly whilst also creating a sense of self awareness and learnings for the individual receiving the treatment.
Reiki In-Person Healing
Reiki in person session consists of a client lying comfortable on a massage table fully clothed, hands are gently placed on or above the main chakra energy centres and/or other parts of the body where necessary treatment is required. Set in a comfortable warm safe space!
Distant Healing
In a Reiki Distant Healing session, a client is not required to be physically present at the clinic, a client can make themselves comfortable in their own home whilst the healing takes place at a set appointment time. A call prior and after the session is made to discuss the process and outcome.
Reiki Past Event Healing
A past event healing can be done in person or distant. The year of the event and/or age event happened is required, as well as a brief overview of the event. Healing is sent to this time releasing all emotions and negative thoughts and is replaced with love and compassion bringing in peace and healing for the client.